# Anti-Consumption

Vote with your dollar

I'm a bit of a rebel.

I'm a skater. I don't respect the authority of anyone who tries to tell me "no"*. In my opinion, the only real power authority has is the threat of force. And if your power is "do this or I'll hurt you", I don't respect you either. It's why I hate cops.

But anyway, the powers that b (opens new window) have gotten a little too fat off of consumer spending so we are now ruled by, quite literally, evil mega-corporations. It used to be Google's motto: Don't be evil. (opens new window)

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

There's another saying I'm fond of, which really is instrumental in waging war against corporate greed, and that is:

"Vote with your wallet."

It's why I buy Bitcoin. (But if anyone asks, I lost my keys in a boating accident.) I recognize the only real power we all have is the power to say "no" right back at them.

Take a look at this video.

If this isn't a wake-up call, I don't know what is.

Guess what? I don't want to support this financial system. What do I do? I opt out (buy Bitcoin. Seriously. (opens new window)). It's not the first time I've opted out of something I don't support. Since college, I've been using various free and open source operating systems as opposed to Windows. In 2020, I deleted Facebook and made this blog instead.

In this sense, I've always been a rebel. Choosing to opt out and put my money where my mouth is.

Today is no different.

# February 28th

I keep tabs on various subreddits and one of them caught my attention recently. r/Anticonsumption (opens new window) posted the above image which reminded me about their effort to "opt out" of the economy in 2025.

No Buy Movement
byu/Pitiful_Click inAnticonsumption

It might sound crazy, but I truly believe this is the only way things can change. At the very least, it is well within my realm of possible actions I can take against this corrupt system.

There are a number of events planned for 2025, but one of the first one's happening this Friday, February 28th: A full, economic blackout. No spending and cancel your subscriptions.

# Considerations

While I am in favor of boycotting a number of major corporations, there are some considerations I will have to take when canceling some of my major subscriptions.

# Instagram

The irony of deleting Facebook is that I still use (however sparingly) Instagram, which is still supporting Meta. I don't even use it that much, except to keep track of my local silent book club (opens new window) and to message tattoo artists.

As I've been socializing lately, I notice people still defer to Instagram as the default means of connecting with. Going forward, I could just ask for people's phone number instead. But I think minimizing my use of the app while I figure out how not to cut off my social circle that exists only on Instagram might be enough for me to keep it around for now.

# Google

This one is going to be tough. Since I've used the internet, I've relied— nay, I've trusted Google to safe keep my data in the cloud. I use Google, I use Gmail, I use Google Nest devices. These are all things that will be difficult (but not impossible) to replace. I've already switched to Duck Duck Go (opens new window). I have a raspberry pi lying around and there are open source AI implementations like Open Voice OS (opens new window) so I could possibly create my own smart device. These will be among some of the things I will be considering on Friday when I cancel my subscriptions.

# Amazon

This will be the biggest sacrifice in convenience. In reality, it will probably be easier than I think since most things that are sold on Amazon can be bought directly from the vendors website. Will I get next day delivery? Possibly not. But I think that's a small price to pay, actually.

# Groceries and Clothing

Fortunately for me, I don't shop at Walmart or Target. I live close by to a Publix (opens new window), which is an employee owned business. I also live within walking distance to a local Asian supermarket and a second hand clothing store. This will be a good excuse to walk to and patron these locations.

I hope, in reading my thoughts on the matter, you will choose to take actions similar or at the very least, opt out of spending money for one day.

Tags: Reflections
Last Updated: 2/25/2025, 11:13:26 PM