Note: This article was imported from my old blog, christoferpadilla.tumblr.com.

WOO! So it's official now! I got a formal offer from DiSTI for an intern position with them today! I was pretty excited about that. That was good news, but the bad news was that I had to quit my current job at the library. I'm really going to miss working there. It was a great place to work, and my co-workers were super chill and awesome. It went over a lot nicer than the worst-case-scenario I'd imagined on my way there. I basically put in my two weeks notice and although my supervisor was sad that I'd be leaving, she was at least glad that I found an internship. So I can't wait to start working there! That's one down on my list, six more to go!

  • Get an internship this summer
  • Get my own place (not a dorm)
  • Read at least ten books
  • Have a playable game ready
  • Take the Foundation exam
  • Make my own website
  • Get all A’s
Last Updated: 6/1/2021, 8:55:34 PM